Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome to AGAT

My first blog, this is an attempt to catalog my thoughts of the Star Wars novels and RPG supplements as I read through them.

The Star Wars novels will be read and reviewed in publication order, beginning with the novelization of the first Star Wars film. At the time of this writing, the latest Star Wars book released is Scourge... although I imagine it will be quite a while before I get to that book.

The Star Wars roleplaying game book reviews will be done in a slightly more random order. If there is a supplement that corresponds directly or very closely to the novel I'm currently reading, then that supplement will be read and reviewed along with the novel. Otherwise, I will be randomly deciding which supplement I read and review next.

I will probably be posing once a week, although I will always try for more frequent posts if I can. I do want to try to avoid posting any less frequently than that, however.

My intention is to also begin reviewing non-Star Wars books, video games, and movies. Whether or not I include these in this blog or begin a new blog, I have not yet decided.

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